Dental Emergencies Based on Severity of Pain

Atlantis Dental • Feb 28, 2024

Understanding the level of pain a person is experiencing can help determine the type of dental emergency they may be facing. We break down these different types of emergencies.

Every year in the United States, there are an estimated 2 million visits to emergency rooms for dental pain. Most of these visits are usually referred to local clinics and dentists. They provide people with the ongoing dental care they need.

A sudden dental issue can have you wondering: "emergency room or wait it out?" Well, the level of pain matters. A small ache might be resolved in your next appointment, but throbbing pain, swelling, or bleeding could need immediate attention.

Dental emergencies, like knocked-out teeth or severe infections, can worsen quickly. They cause more pain and potentially jeopardize your health. Don't wait until the pain worsens - understand what constitutes a tooth emergency as discussed below:

Severe and Persistent Pain

If you're experiencing severe, persistent pain in your teeth or mouth, it's crucial to understand the warning signs and act fast. But what does "severe, persistent pain" mean? It's a throbbing, constant toothache that doesn't give you peace, even with over-the-counter pain relievers.

The pain doesn't come and go; it stays put day and night. As such, it makes it hard to eat, sleep, or even think straight. Facial swelling is often a telltale sign of this kind of pain.

If your toothache comes with a fever, it's your body's way of saying you need to see a dentist. The same applies to discharge from around the tooth, difficulty breathing, and a fever. Discharges point to a potential infection that needs immediate attention.

Why It's an Emergency

That throbbing pain might be an abscessed tooth. If so, an infection may eat away at the inner tissues and bone. The infection may spread to your jaw or face, leading to serious health complications.

A severe crack isn't just painful; it could worsen. It may turn into a broken tooth that requires extensive repair (think oral surgery). Early intervention often means less pain, easier treatment, and potentially lower costs.

Don't expect your pain to vanish on its own. Clearly describe how severe and persistent your pain is to your emergency dentist. While not every case results in a tooth extraction, dentists often give priority to emergency appointments for such issues.

Visit an urgent care center if you have facial swelling, fever, or difficulty breathing. While waiting for treatment, a cold compress on your cheek can help temporarily numb the pain. Avoid antibiotics or pain relievers beyond recommended dosages without consulting a healthcare professional.

Moderate Pain

Moderate pain, while uncomfortable, might make you wonder if waiting for your next appointment is okay. It's noticeable and bothersome but not debilitating. Here are some common examples:

  • Dull aching in a specific tooth which might come and go but lingers enough to be annoying
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold that sends a tingling pain
  • Minor gum discomfort and a little bleeding when brushing
  • A small chip or crack in a tooth that causes occasional discomfort
  • Feeling a sharp edge when your tongue runs over the affected tooth

While not an immediate threat, moderate pain often hints at underlying issues that need attention. That dull ache could be a warning sign of an early-stage infection. If left untreated, it can worsen and become an emergency.

Why Is It Still Important?

Tender gums could signal the early stages of gum disease. The disease can damage your teeth and jawbone if left unchecked. A small chip can grow, exposing sensitive inner layers and causing sharp pain and potential tooth loss.

Moderate pain doesn't require an emergency room visit. A timely appointment with your dentist is crucial. The sooner you know the cause, the easier and less expensive the treatment.

When you address the issue early, you can prevent it from developing into a full-blown emergency. You'll also have less anxiety when you know the cause and have a treatment plan. This way, you can get back to enjoying your pain-free smile.

What to Do

While you wait for your appointment, some home remedies can offer temporary toothache pain relief. Mix some salt in warm water and then swish gently to reduce inflammation and discomfort. You may also apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek near the affected area and avoid triggers.

Mild Pain

Mild pain itself isn't necessarily an emergency. However, it can be a warning sign of underlying dental issues that do require attention. Think of it like a gentle nudge from your teeth saying, "Hey, something's not quite right."

It could be an occasional sensitivity to hot or cold food substances. You may even notice slight gum bleeding when brushing or flossing or minor discomfort when chewing. Bad breath that won't go away even through brushing and flossing can be a mild dental issue.

Unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all answer for how long mild dental pain lingers before indicating an underlying issue. It depends on the specific problem and your body's response. Ignoring it for weeks or months can allow the underlying issue to progress.

Why It Matters

Even though the pain might seem manageable, it could indicate the early stages of tooth decay. A small cavity might not hurt much initially. But ignoring it can lead to serious problems later.

Early gingivitis often starts with mild bleeding. It can progress to bone loss. A cracked tooth might not cause major pain yet, but it could worsen and affect the tooth's health.

Other underlying issues like misaligned teeth or impacted wisdom teeth can be the cause. They often lead to discomfort over time. Either way, monitor the pain and don't wait for it to worsen.

Early detection can prevent complications and save you from more discomfort. Brush the teeth gently at least twice a day or floss daily to keep your mouth clean. If you suspect misalignment or impacted wisdom teeth, discuss it with your dentist during your appointment.

Get Quick and Gentle Care for Dental Emergencies Today

While knowing the cause of your dental pain is crucial, understanding the severity can help you take the right action quickly. Remember, even mild pain shouldn't be ignored. Early intervention can often prevent small issues from spiraling into full-blown dental emergencies.

Don't let a chipped tooth, lost crown, or throbbing pain ruin your day. Atlantis Dental - your go-to clinic for quality dentistry in Framingham, Massachusetts - is here for you with same-day appointments. Schedule your emergency appointment today to get the relief you need.

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